HeartMind Leadership Coaching

Genele Edey

Quantum Coach, Intuitive, Energy Healer, Teacher, Speaker


Genele works with you to raise the frequencies of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. She assists you to connect to your higher-self, increase consciousness, self-awareness, and intuition and provides powerful tools to transcend the conditioned “unconscious” mind, shift your neuro-chemical baseline, and create new alignments that activate your potentiality. Learn to live a life of presence, authenticity, renewed aliveness, joy, passion and purpose, free from self-imposed limitations and suffering. These are the unique gifts Genele offers to her clients.

Quantum coaching uses a highly effective rapid transformational holistic modality based on a radical synthesis of science and spirituality. It is a unique and profound psychospiritual journey of awakening and liberation. Life is gift. We all have a purpose. Own your power. Learn to be Present.



Genele is a heart-centered coach, teacher, healer, and powerful intuitive, with a scientists mind, a philosophers soul, and a pure heart. She is an authentic, empathic, truth-teller, able to mirror without projection. Her wisdom, knowledge and compassion for this human experience is rare. Her positivity, playfulness and humor make working with her fun. She is uniquely qualified to assist you to on your journey of awakening your heartmind.


Take Action

These times of uncertainty and quantum shifts are asking us to awaken to the truth of who we are and own our part as creator observers of collective reality. We are not broken, we are whole and holy beings having a human experience to learn, grow and evolve. When we make peace with our self, we make peace in the world.